The cronut was invented oh so many years ago (11 to be precise!) yet we are still feeling the effects of that groundbreaking mash-up. Chefs (and bakers, especially) are continuing to create visual viral concepts that lure every unsuspecting foodie to wait in a mind-numbing long line to say they’ve tried it.
So needless to say I was a bit skeptical to try the “BurraCroissant” when it caught my eye at the unusual Unregular Bakery. This is the new concept from nearby Unregular Pizza that often turns head on 4th Avenue for its giant balls of burrata on a slice of pizza.
Since I didn’t have to wait in a line to purchase this and I was feeling peckish, I have no shame in my order. And who doesn’t like burrata?
The BurraCroissant is just one of a line-up of eye-catching morning pastries at Unregular. This is an Italian-owned business but the products on offer are most certainly modern New York.

As you might have guessed, this beaut is a croissant stuffed with burrata cheese, but I also felt like there was a bit of a white pizza experience mixed in. The crisp flaky croissant dough enveloped a glob of creamy, rich burrata cheese. This was quite far away from a chocolate croissant – filling a rich, savory craving without a hint of sweetness.

On top (maybe for aesthetic) was a dollop of some sort of basil butter. It was certainly tasty, but did add an extra layer of richness that I didn’t think was completely necessary. Who puts butter on their croissant?
Despite the caloric intake and the high concept, this was a really good and surprising discovery. Hard to believe nobody thought of putting burrata inside a croissant before. Maybe they did – but I can’t imagine they called it the BurraCroissant. Trademark, anyone? Price: $6
124 4th Avenue (between East 12th and East 13th Street), Union Square (646) 422-7262 |
unregularbakery.com |