THE PLACE: Once I arrived to the sparse, but sleek new Park Slope bakery Miolin, I realized I used to hang out at this space many moons ago when it was a wonderful Austrian restaurant called Café Steinhof. The times have certainly changed and now this neighborhood storefront tempts you with the intoxicating smells of butter and flour. And so, hot off my new music video about artisanal bakeries in NYC, I figure I should add another to my list.
THE MENU: Named for the owner and baker, Claudio Miolin, this place has rightfully gained lots of attention for their French-leaning pastries and bread. Sourdoughs seem to be everywhere from loaves to sandwiches and the pastries are definitely mouthwatering with seasonal offerings like a mandarin ginger danish with sesame streusel. But no doubt the most buzzed about item are the croissants.

THE DISH: They have these color coded green, brown, and red croissants all over town and somehow I have resisted most of them. This time, I was seduced by the red one (strawberry) and got my mind blown. The Strawberry Croissant here was absolutely a perfect croissant – light, airy, and crisp. The butteriness was present but not overwhelmingly so. It was masterful. I actually was surprised the red streaks didn’t have any strawberry flavor, but rather that came from a sweet and tart jam in the center, which was great and actually helped cut the richness of the croissant. My only complaint was that I wish there was a bit more jam. But like all good artists, they left me wanting more. Price: $6
422 7th Avenue (at 14th Street), Park Slope, Brooklyn |
miolinbakery.com/ |
I sure remember the Austrian cafe. Well, at least the owner is now enjoying life in Salzberg. Covid really killed a lot of local businesses.
It sure did. So very sad. Glad to hear he is doing well in Salzburg!