Showing 163 Result(s)

Another Pizza the Puzzle

SADLY, RAY’S PIZZA IS NOW CLOSED. You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension of many pizzerias all claiming to be the original and famous Ray’s. A journey into a wondrous city of entrepreneurs who have no imagination. That’s the red font up ahead and the aroma of cheesy grease – your next stop, the (Pizza) Pie-light …


Changing of the Pizzaiolo

Unless you inherited one or were grandfathered in, it is illegal to own and use a coal-burning oven. It’s bad for the environment and it’s competition for the likes of Grimaldi’s and Lombardi’s. We don’t want any black lung or broken knee caps. You can imagine whenever a coal-burning pizzeria closes, many budding NY pizzaioli …


Art and Science and Pizza

Things are constantly changing in this city. It feels like more so than the rest of the world. There’s always a new fashion, a new restaurant, a new Apple Store, a new cockroach tormenting my roomates. The art and science worlds are two that never seem to stop evolving. Technology is constantly surpassing us to …


Lost at Serafina

According to their website, the owners of Serafina were lost at sea and swore if they ever got rescued, they’d open up an Italian restaurant. Can you imagine Tom Hanks in Cast Away telling Wilson the volleyball that all he wants to do if he is rescued is open up a chain of Red Lobsters? …


The Undiscovered Pizza

It’s the dream of every foodie to discover a secret unexploited gem. Something that people will be talking about and will push the business to the next level. Of course, that and to be a contestant on Supermarket Sweep. (Is that show even still on the air?) I want to announce to the world (wide …


The Nicest Pizzeria in the World

“Here try this slice while you’re waiting.” “You only ordered one slice? Have this one too.” “Since you’ve never been here before, I wanted you to try this.” These are not statements you hear at a New York pizzeria. Free pizza? Generous employees? These would make sense if I was in some Italian grandmother’s dining …


A Slice Would Be Nice

No Slices, no slices!!! Every time I had heard about John’s of Bleecker, this is what I was constantly reminded. Okay, fine, the place doesn’t serve slices. Maybe this was a big deal at one point, but nowadays most of the great pizza places have the same mantra. But for some reason, John’s seems to …


Terrifying Pizza Face

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I especially love walking around the city and watching all the freaks come out and flaunt themselves. It’s a campy, spooky surreal evening. I’m not one to dress up though – partly because I’ve been an actor for so long, so I only do it when I get …


Oh, the Agony!

I am sad to report, at this time, I can not include Totonno’s in my search for the best pizza in the city. Totonno’s might be the second official pizzeria in NY. Anthony “Totonno” Pero was the first master pizziaolo of Lombardi’s. The original Totonno’s opened on Coney Island in 1924 and shut down in …


Smoke and Mirrors

One of the most fascinating new food trends is the molecular gastronomy movement. Chefs have begun playing with science and chemicals to change our traditional ideas of food. It’s a neat concept. That’s how you get such unexpected flavor combinations as peanut butter vodka and fried mayonnaise. Basically, it’s food magic. Molecular gastronomy, as far …


Going Posto

There are lots of pizza chains all over the city. You’ve got Ray’s, Two Boots, Famiglia. Then many of the big guys have more than one location (John’s, Nick’s, Totonno’s). I’ve already talked about the Patsy’s and Angelo’s empires and Grimaldi’s has spread out onto Long Island and New Jersey. And I’m not even mentioning …


Sunday Night

It’s so nice when food brings families together. And I always think of Sunday nights as being family night. Whether I came kicking and screaming to the dinner table (because I was about to beat Mega Man 3) or I was cooking for my parents, Sunday dinner was always family time. I still get that …


Take A Load Off, Franny’s

SADLY, FRANNY’S IS NOW CLOSED. A new day is upon us. Who would have thought a few years ago that you could walk into a pizza place and find out where every single ingredient came from and on what farm it was grown? And I’m not even talking about the required San Marzano tomatoes (which are …


Mangia a Luzzo’s

When I get pizza, I want it to be made by people who know what they’re doing. I guess that’s obvious, but how many times have you gone into a generic NY pizza joint and the pizza is being cooked by Mexican line cooks or Bengali entrepreneurs? Nothing against those guys, but do you think …



Sometimes maybe I’m just wrong and the rest of the world is right. For instance, I never liked The Sixth Sense. I just didn’t think it was a good movie and I saw through all its smoke and mirrors. My eclectic tastes and smug opinions have often been controversial among my friends. So this is …


In the Beginning…

It’s weird to feel like you’re a tourist in your own city. However, for me, the experience is oddly exciting because those of us who live here tend to take the city for granted. I’ve always been one of the very few New Yorkers who actually enjoy walking through Times Square either right before Broadway …