
CHEESECAKE REVIEW: Eileen’s Special Cheesecake

My search for the best cheesecake in New York begins….

EILEEN'S SPECIAL CHEESECAKE, 17 Cleveland Place (at Kenmare Street), Soho

It’s highly unlikely that the first place I choose for my cheesecake journey will be the best. Either all the cheesecakes will be absolutely amazing, or I may have just set the bar a little too high. Of course, there are many New York iconic versions still to try, but this one might just take the cake.

Eileen and Her Special Cheesecake

Eileen’s Special Cheesecake is on a heavily-trafficked corner in Soho. Fashionistas and hipsters walk by it all the time glancing at the window to make sure their hair is just right. But inside, the small town neighborhood feel is light years away from the trendiness outside.

Small Space, Large Flavors

We found a stool in the cramped quarters among tourists, a few locals, and Eileen herself who was chatting with an older couple (either family members or very close regulars). This quaint, small business vibe is what I come to expect in Brooklyn, but rarely witness in Manhattan any longer. The shop is on the outskirts of Little Italy and some of that old school charm which is barely found in Little Italy anymore is still alive here.

Oh, The Cheesecakes!

That charm alone wins the shop major points, but the cheesecake itself sealed the deal. I couldn’t believe how many different varieties of cheesecakes she offers both as a whole cake and as a mini round to eat immediately. The original plain cheesecake was a given (I think it will be my standard to judge) but I had to try at least one more flavor.


I discuss that other mind-blowing flavor (chocolate bourbon) in a spearate review (it deserves the spotlight). But I will definitely take a few paragraphs now to rave about the simple, plain and absolutely perfect plain cheesecake.

The Perfect Texture

My cheesecake journey is just beginning so I’ll continue to get a better sense of what makes a perfect cheesecake, but I would have guessed a slices that is both rich and light at the same time. Not too sweet with a bit of buttery crunch from a nice and tender crust. I would have probably said those things before I tasted Eileen’s, but I wouldn’t have dreamed that the first spot I visit would have nailed it.

Get in My Mouth!!!

It certainly tasted like cheesecake with a bit of tartness balanced by a restrained sweetness, but the texture was almost closer to whipped cream – yet it still had a nice firm body. The graham cracker crust was thin and didn’t take away from the star of the show – that luscious sweet cheesy center.

I left Eileen’s a little bit lost. I had sort of written Eileen’s off in the past as a touristy destination not realizing it was an integral and genuine member of the community. And I thought maybe the cheesecake would have been good, but I was not prepared for it to be perfect. Now where do I go from here?

Does Eileen’s Special Cheesecake have the best cheesecake in NY? Even though they’re the first one I’ve tested, they’re going to be tough to beat with the perfect flavor, texture, and richness. They get a 10 out of 10. The others better bring it.

17 Cleveland Place (at Kenmare Street),
(212) 966-5585

AboutBrian Hoffman

Brian Hoffman is a classically trained actor who is now a full-time tour guide, blogger, and food obsessive. He leads food and drink tours around New York City, which not only introduce tour-goers to delicious food, but gives them a historical context. He has written food articles for Gothamist and Midtown Lunch in addition to overseeing this blog and a few food video series, including Eat This, Locals Know, and Around the World in One City. His latest series is an international cooking show with his son which can be found on this site.