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Around the World in One Kitchen

Video: AROUND THE WORLD IN ONE KITCHEN: How to Cook Kedjenou and Attiéké from COTE D’IVOIRE (IVORY COAST)

Perhaps by the end of this adventure, we’ll have learned how to say “coast” in every language? Doubtful, but last time we visited a Spanish-speaking coast (Costa Rica) and this stop will be a French-speaking coast in Western Africa. While we could have included this country with the letter “I”s since most Americans know it …

Around the World in One Kitchen

BOKO BOKO HAREES and IBIHARAGE & IBITOKE from BURUNDI – Around the World in One Kitchen

And we’ve come to another milestone. We have now completed a meal from every country beginning with the letter B. Check and check. We finish with another African country that sadly suffers from great poverty. Food insecurity is prevalent in Burundi (as well as our last country Burkina Faso) and Sam and I work to create two of the …

Around the World in One Kitchen Travel Video

MISH MASH, SHOPSKA SALAD, and TARATOR from BULGARIA – Around the World in One Kitchen

If you had told me we would be making three vegetarian dishes from Bulgaria, I would have told you that you were thinking of the wrong country. I don’t know a lot about Bulgarian cuisine but I knew that its diet like much of the Balkans consisted of meat. Yet this international cooking adventure continues to surprise …

Around the World in One Kitchen Travel Video

SESWAA, PAP, and MOROGO from BOTSWANA – Around the World in One Kitchen

Thanks to large deposits of diamonds, Botswana is no longer the massively poor country it once was. Since the 1980’s it’s been one of the leading producers of gem diamonds in the world. Although there is still an unfortunate amount of poverty, the country itself is now one of the wealthiest in Africa. Neither Sam nor I are particularly …